
FilterBox Webhook Functionality Guide

Starting from version 2.0.0, Filter Box has added Webhook functionality, allowing you to create rules to send notification content to specified URLs.

Note: Notification content may contain private information. Please ensure you choose a server you trust.

Custom Content

The custom URL and body support various notification attribute fields. For a complete list of supported fields, check the “Debug Info” option in any of your 20 most recent notifications in the notification list.

Here are some commonly used fields:

URL syntax example:{android.title}&message={android.text}&app={filterbox.field.APP_NAME}

Body syntax example:

  "title": "{android.title}",
  "text": "{android.text}",
  "app": "{filterbox.field.PACKAGE_NAME}",
  "some_other_field1": "some other field here",
  "some_other_field2": "some other field here",
  "some_other_field3": "some other field here"

When using JSON format for the body, it’s recommended to set the header as Content-Type: application/json

If you have questions or feature requests, please contact us using the feedback function within the App.

Usage Example: Forward SMS Verification Codes to Telegram from Backup Device

  1. Ensure your device can access Telegram successfully
  2. Go to, enter the command /newbot and follow the prompts to create a bot, obtaining its token
  3. Get your ID from
  4. Enable and create a Webhook rule in Filter Box, with method GET, and URL as:{android.title}%0A{android.text}&chat_id=#YOUR_ID#